Yelp for Help: Herb

Posted by: | Posted on: May 16, 2011

L)Herb is a 6 year old long haired Chihuahua

R)Herb in the tub during water therapy


Herb is putting out a yelp for help!


This little fellow has some of the worst knees that our area veterinarians have seen. Unfortunately, he is not a surgical candidate, and he is looking at a lifetime of pain control with medication, and is now faced with being placed in a cart  to reduce the presure on his knees.

You can help by donating to help pay for his medical care and cart. Donations can be sent to the shelter, or please use our pay pal button on the website! Any extra funds raised will be used to help offset medical costs of other animals in need!

Thanks for any help that you can give!

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