The Humane Society of the United States Transports 10 Rescued Dogs to New Albany-Floyd County Animal Control

Posted by: | Posted on: January 5, 2012

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The Humane Society of the United States Transports 10 Rescued Dogs to New Albany-Floyd County Animal Control

(Jan. 4, 2012) – The Humane Society of the United States is transporting ten rescued dogs to New Albany-Floyd County Animal Control and Shelter. These dogs are some of more than 100 rescued by The HSUS from a Mississippi hoarding situation in early December. The animals will be transported in The HSUS’ specially designed 75-foot animal transport vehicle. These dogs are true survivors and have come a long way since their rescue. Now they will need the public’s support to find loving forever homes.  

Who:   Responders from The Humane Society of the United States

David Hall, director of New Albany-Floyd County Animal Control and Shelter

Jeff Gahan, mayor of New Albany     

When:    Friday, Jan. 6, 2012

8:00 am – time is approximate – please email media contact below for time confirmation.

Where:    New Albany Floyd County Animal Shelter

215 W Market St

New Albany, In 47150

Background: On December 6, 2011 The Humane Society of the United States’ Animal Rescue Team worked with the Starkville Police Department Animal Control, Waveland Animal Shelter, Rankin County Sheriff’s Department, and the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Shelter Medicine Program to rescue 108 dogs from a rural Mississippi hoarding situation.

The animals were surrendered by a woman who was unable to care for the large number of animals she had accumulated. The HSUS has cared for the dogs for the past month and is now transporting them to shelter partners for further care and adoption.

When responders arrived on the scene Tuesday morning they found breeds ranging from hound mixes to Labrador retriever mixes housed throughout the property. Many of the dogs suffered from medical ailments such as skin infections, untreated wounds and other serious ailments. The dogs were being allowed to reproduce and several pregnant dogs were rescued. They were being housed in feces-ridden outdoor pens with little protection from the elements.

Video and still photos from the initial rescue are available via request to the media contact below.


Media Contacts:

Jordan Crump: 240-654-2964,

David Hall: 502-376-8430,

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