Spay Now or Stay Stupid Day a Huge Success!

Posted by: | Posted on: March 2, 2012
We are pleased to announce that our first event recognizing the importance of World Spay Day was a huge success! We had 17 female cats and 18 male cats from the community participate and receive their free spays and neuters!  Thanks to all volunteers, sponsors, The NAFC Animal Control Authority, and the Floyd County Helath Department for their assistance in making this event a success.

Everyone can help by making sure THAT ANYONE that needs help getting a pet altered finds the resources that they need. Call us if you need help! 812-948-5355!

Spaying and neutering is the BEST and ONLY way to stop pet overpopulation and reduce euthanasia in our nation’s shelters!

Cats waiting for alteration

Cats waiting for alteration. Surgery is Next!

Cats were monitored in recovery by staff and volunteers!

Cats were monitored in recovery by staff and volunteers!

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