House Bill 1331 Proposes Low Cost Spay/Neuter for Pets of Medicaid Recipients

Posted by: | Posted on: January 19, 2012

Update from Anne Sterling, our HSUS Midwest Regional Director:

I’m happy to report that a bill has been introduced that would create a statewide spay/neuter fund, making low cost s/n surgeries available to the pets of folks on Medicaid. The bill, House Bill 1331  was introduced by Representatives Speedy and Lawson and has been assigned to the House Committee on Commerce, Small Business & Economic Development, Chaired by Representative Representative Steven Stemler.  

If possible, please take a moment to call Representative Stemler, the Chair of the Committee to which the bill has been assigned and ask him to give House Bill 1331 a hearing.

 You could say something along the lines of:

 “Hello, my name is _________________ and I am calling from ________________, Indiana. I am calling Representative Stemler to ask him to please give House Bill 1331, the spay and neuter fund bill, a hearing. Thousands of animals in Indiana are euthanized every year and our legislature needs to take action. Please give House Bill 1331 a hearing. Thank You.”

As always – please remember to be polite and to the point.  

Representative Stemler can be reached via phone at 317-232-9999 and via email at

Other updates:

·         Senate Bill 11, the dog fightinig bill, is up for its final vote in the Senate, most likely, today. If it makes it thru the Senate, it will move on to the House. We will keep you posted!

·         House Bill 1265, the canned hunting bill, didn’t receive a hearing on Wednesday as there was  technical snafu that kept the Natural Resources Committee from meeting. Calls are still needed to the Committee members of the Natural Resources Commmitte – you still have time!

Thanks very much, everyone, for taking a moment to speak up for the animals in Indiana!

Anne Sterling
Director, Midwest Region
t 812.606.7649  f 812.339.3663

The Humane Society of the United States

Indiana spay neuter fact sheet

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