June Newsletter Now Available!

Posted by: | Posted on: June 8, 2013

We hope you enjoy this month’s Newsletter!

Here is a sneak peak!

Dog Days at the Drive-In

It’s that time of year again! On June 22nd, the Georgetown Twin Drive-In Theater is opening its gates to four legged family members, allowing dogs on leash to attend for a $2.00 admission fee.  All dog admission fees collected will be donated to the NAFC Animal Shelter.

                The Drive-In’s main features will be Man of Steel and Disney’s Monsters University.

Causes of Heatstroke

Heatstroke- You’ve heard of it, you knew it affected people, and you were even vaguely aware that it could affect your pet. But how does it happen? And most important, how can you help your pet avoid it? Heatstroke is a deadly disease that can kill your beloved companion, even with emergency treatment. The best way to avoid this terrible situation is prevention, and it’s all up to you.

Furbaby Kitten Shower

Kitten season is in full swing at the Shelter!  While cats can get pregnant year round, in the beginning of summer shelters around the world begin to see an influx of nursing moms and babies.

                In most cases, litters of kittens must stay at the shelter for several weeks while they finish nursing and grow to a safe size for surgery. Mother cats and kittens may have a harder time handling the stress of a shelter environment and may not be able to maintain their babies, or their own health, for an extended stay. 

                To welcome all of the new feline families, the New Albany Animal Shelter is hosting its first Furbaby Kitten Shower on June 28th from 6-8 PM!

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