Puppy Mill Seizure

Posted by: | Posted on: June 4, 2009


Outside the temporary shelter preparing to unload the resuced dogs.

Outside the temporary shelter preparing to unload the rescued dogs.

As many of you know, we were involved in a large seizure of puppy mill dogs on Tuesday morning. Our shelter assisted the Attorney General’s office and HSUS in the removal of 215 dogs from a Harrison County property. Prior to the seizure, our director, David Hall, made arrangements with Mr McCain of Weatherall, Inc allowing the usage of his New Albany facility for the housing of the dogs in the emergency shelter.  All of the experienced emergency personnel were so impressed with our community and the support that we received in this venture. Many thanks to Mr McCain, the City of New Albany and our community. New Albany/Floyd County rocks!

The temporary shelter closed this morning, with the last of the dogs being dispersed to shelters and rescues throughout Indiana. We have a small group of small breed dogs from the rescue that are in various stages of assessment and rehabilitation. They will becoming available for adoption over the next few months, with the healthiest being altered and placed up for adoption later next week. Watch the website for more information!

Our shelter has been inundated with requests to help! THANK YOU! The easiest way to help is to give. Monetary donations will help provide needed medications for treatments, we can’t have enough peepads, bedding, or towels, and bleach, paper towels, and other cleaning supplies are always welcome.

I can not thank our community enough for all the support.

Stay tuned for more info!

Theresa Stilger, RVT

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