Thank You to Finks!

Posted by: | Posted on: October 18, 2013

Sometimes it’s a struggle to keep our parking lot available for our customers during business hours because often Harvest attendees like to park just about anyplace they can fit their car, LOL!  Now, for the third year, we have a gracious volunteer to monitor/attend our lot during business hours and also stay after hours, into the night, to collect a parking fee.  Each year we donate all the proceeds collected to a charity.  This year we chose the New Albany Floyd County Animal Shelter.

Besides being a great neighbor (they are located diagonally behind our building), the Shelter does some wonderful work around Floyd County with regards to all of our “furry friends”.

This year was by far the best ever, and it was with GREAT pleasure that I presented the Shelter with $700 which we collected for parking. Dave Hall, the Shelter Director and Duncan York, who helps out at the Shelter, came over to receive the donation and brought some of their ‘furry friends’ from the Shelter.

Of course, we couldn’t have done it this year without our wonderful volunteer, who spent many hours, long into the nights, monitoring and attending our parking.  A big thank you to him, Jeff Arndt.

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