The March and April Newsletters are now available!

Posted by: | Posted on: April 8, 2014

Here is a sneak peak of April’s Newsletter where you can learn about a very unique life saving program for you and your family!  You can read the full newsletter by clicking on the about our Shelter Tab, and then 2014 Newsletters.

Furbaby Kitten Shower

Kitten season is beginning at the New Albany Animal Shelter!  While cats can get pregnant year round, in the beginning of summer shelters around the world begin to see an influx of nursing moms and babies.      

In most cases, litters of kittens must stay at the shelter for several weeks. They need to finish nursing and grow to a safe size for surgery. Mother cats and kittens have a harder time handling the stress of a shelter environment and may not be able to maintain their babies, or own health for an extended stay. 

Easter Pets

Floppy-eared rabbits and soft baby chicks are so adorable, and practically impossible to resist at Easter time. However, bringing a new pet into the home for the holiday may not be such a great idea.

                Typical Easter animals aren’t well suited for everyone. Also, holiday impulse buys lead to many pets being returned or abandoned after the excitement wears off. Here are some things to know about Easter pets, and a few alternatives.

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